White women, we can have a female president and help save democracy if we step up. Let's do this.
"Ladies, let's f**ing go!" Our daughters are watching. How we could join and build a multiracial coalition of women and queer folks that changes history.

Last week, I was in an anxiety spiral. Two women that I know quite well revealed in a text thread that they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Biden or the other guy. A very popular white lady political influencer had just posted about Project 2025 in a puff piece in which she listed its gut-churning goals, and then wrote it off, implying that it “probably wouldn’t happen.” I literally clutched my head while I read it on the train.
I was sick to my stomach feeling like we were headed toward a MAGA takeover of our rights and democracy, and that worst of all—it felt like women didn’t have solidarity to vote in our best interests. And that last part is what really killed me.
But then Sunday came. And everything changed.
My family was at the pool on Sunday when my partner started started waving at me and calling out, “Biden is out!” He saw the news on his Apple watch, and then he yelled to our friends and we all gathered in a sort of soggy swimming pool group hug. There was an immediate jolt of energy. Suddenly we were back in play. Anything was possible!
My girlfriend chats blew up as news of Harris taking over came in.
“We could actually have a woman president…and not a white supremacist convicted rapist Christian Nationalist,” a friend wrote, expressing the new reality dawning on all of us.
“Let’s f*cking go!!!”
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I was reading all this on my phone while lying on the floor next to my five-year old daughter’s bed waiting for her to fall asleep. I was surprised to feel tears well up in my eyes. I let myself cry a little bit just out of sheer relief at a second chance for her, and for all of us.
And what was this…glimmers of hope?! I was emerging from despair toward the notion that we could join a multigenerational and multiracial coalition of women and queer folks and allies that changes history. And how freaking healing would that be?!
As you have probably heard, at the same time that very night 44,000 Black women met on an epic four-hour zoom call led by Win With Black Women, to focus on a new future for the mobilization long led by their community. They raised $1 million for Harris. On day one. (You can follow and donate here.)
White women, now we are up. It’s up to us to follow their lead.
If you’re one of the thousands of people who read Matriarchy Report, you probably identify as a woman, and you’re most likely white. You probably also know that our category—white women—has a lot of power, but does not have a great record of voting in the best interests of women.
recently wrote: White women make up 39 percent of the electorate and are the largest voting bloc in America. And for the last 75 years white women have consistently voted Republican, even as that party’s policies have become increasingly hostile to women and children. In 2016, 47 percent of white women ended up voting for Trump, (compared to 45 percent for Hillary Clinton).In 2020, 55 percent of white women voted for Trump (ughhhhh) vs. 44 percent for Biden.
But these numbers show that white women actually don’t vote as a block, and can be “volatile”—or, put another way, they can be moved to change their minds. And that’s where we come in.
Voting alone will not be enough. I have been thinking hard about how to reach out and rally other white women, because the ball is in our court and the stakes could not be higher.
Have you been feeling the same?
I have been reading about what we can do—because we only have 100 days to do it. Below I’m sharing what I’ve found useful so far.
Kamala Harris’s candidacy is going to unleash a torrent of sexism and racism; be ready to fight this (including within ourselves) to win. Writer
gives a great primer on this here, and Brittany Packnett Cunningham explains on this reel. One of the most effective forms that misogyny takes is creating a double-standard, holding women to a higher moral standard than men, and even more so for women of color.As the attacks come flying, keep your eye on the prize and be ready to remind other white women—whether we’re talking about lying, infidelity, competence, or just being rape-y or trying to become a dictator: “Most certainly, and saliently, [Harris] is a better option than Trump on every conceivable relevant measure.”
Brittany Packnett Cunningham with @emarvelous from @19thnews Instagram reel. Join this organizing call tonight, Thursday, July 25th, at 8:30 pm ET.
Register for the meetup here., via
of Moms Demand Action
Phonebanking! It’s gonna take more than just voting, people! I did phonebanking and texting for the first time for Elizabeth Warren (hearts and tears emojis), and it was kinda great. Does the idea of talking to strangers make you uncomfortable? How about a Christian Nationalist takeover with a dictator in charge? Right…so phone banking here we come. You can sign up to phone bank with with Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) here.
It’s not just about the general election—the election could be stolen if we don’t shore up the states. Matriarchy Report is teaming up with The States Project to help secure battleground states and election results and you can join our upcoming fundraiser!
Strange times we are living in, but here we are: One strategy by rightwing extremists could try to steal states’ electors to hand Trump the win. (Particularly in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire where newly-elected lawmakers will take office before election results go to Congress). Winning state legislative races could be crucial to upholding rightful presidential election results.
What did I miss? What else? Tell me how you’re feeling, what you’re doing, and how you’re reaching out to friends and family.
We are still running a limited-time summer discount on annual subscriptions for $39 (that’s only $3.25 a month!) through the month of July. Paid subscribers get access to weekly subscriber chats, the full archive, and full access to our Summer Book Club reading “All Fours” by Miranda July.
Our summer book club reading of “All Fours” is running for two more weeks, and it’s not too late to jump in on our Friday discussions. So far the conversations are thoughtful and fun and nerdy and really insightful, and it’s the favorite book club I’ve ever been in, tbh!
Further reading:
MATRIARCHY REPORT is written by Lane Anderson and Allison Lichter.
Lane Anderson is a writer, journalist, and Clinical Associate Professor at NYU who has won fellowships and many SPJ awards for her writing on inequality and family social issues. She has an MFA from Columbia University. She was raised in Utah and lives in New York City with her partner and young daughter.
Allison Lichter is associate dean at the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York. She has been a writer, producer and editor for radio and print, covering the arts, politics, and the workplace. She was born and raised in Queens, and lives in Brooklyn with her partner and daughter.
You didn't really miss anything. This is great. I feel very much the same way about feeling that odd sensation of hope again.
On the the subject of "Let's fucking go" (and yes, let's!) I'm reminded of this great interview I heard with Gretchen Whitmer. She was told by a coach during debate prep that "the happy warrior always wins." She knew the coach was right, but he was also a man and it felt a little like being told to smile. But she had also been to a comedy show recently where the comedian did a bit about how we've advanced to an era where women are often more comfortable and open about things than they used to be, in a good way. His line was something like, "It used be 'Oh, my Aunt Flo is visiting' and now? 'IT'S SHARK WEEK MOTHERFUCKERS!!" She writes the last sentence of that punch line on the top of every speech she gives.
As far as I'm concerned, everybody needs to grab a coconut and buckle up because from now to election day, EVERY WEEK IS SHARK WEEK MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!
Provide women with other ways to help besides monetary/ fund raising . This emphasis doesn’t speak to socio economic / class differences. Bravo !