
YES! This out-of-body feeling describes my experience so much right now. Lovely summer days, but the world is burning and the threats to democracy are real. Really real. It's hard to stay present and embodied when there is so much dissonance to try to absorb. I also think it's interesting that you described the feeling this way, because the overturning of Roe is such an attack on my bodily autonomy -- so feeling "out of body" is basically what we are left with,. I love the Cottom quote so much. It reminds me of a story an old friend, who worked in human rights, told me, that at a refugee camp she was working in, there was incredible sadness and desperation, but also....people hadcrushes on each other, and teenagers teased each other, and life itself just...went on. That's where we are today amidst all of this.

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