Apr 8Liked by Lane Anderson

Wow, I wouldn’t have correlated these two speeches, but I think you absolutely nailed it! 💯🫣

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Apr 1Liked by Lane Anderson

I relate to this so deeply, thank you Lane for making this correlation to the Relief Society. What do they know of empowerment after all?

Something I read on another Substack talked about how women watched at the comments were deleted in real time on Instagram, until there were none. There goes your voice. You can have one, but not here.

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Mar 30Liked by Lane Anderson

Funny how God sooooo needs humans to maintain his natural order of male over frmale for him, because without him, we wouldn’t.

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This is so perfect: "Patriarchy creates crises and then tries to sell itself as the solution to those crises." And then recruits women ambassadors to sell that message. It's so cruel and so cynical, and thank you for writing this!

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Mar 29Liked by Lane Anderson

Excellent piece, Lane. Sadly, it's not just the GOP, either, though with so many MAGA people and Christian fundamentalists in decision-making roles they are probably worse than the Democrats if we have to rank them. See: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4552950-carville-too-many-preachy-females-are-dominating-the-culture-of-the-democratic-party/ :(

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