I really needed to re-read your hilarious and incisive take on that Ask a Helper!! pamphlet you were given while pregnant. We definitely all need help, but asking struggling adults to ask for help from other struggling adults is not a solution to a structural problem.
And that is why women carers from the third world are paid. It helps to have these carers become efficient, sincerely caring helpers that make mothering a bit easier.
I really needed to re-read your hilarious and incisive take on that Ask a Helper!! pamphlet you were given while pregnant. We definitely all need help, but asking struggling adults to ask for help from other struggling adults is not a solution to a structural problem.
I felt v seen by this! I like this guy.
And that is why women carers from the third world are paid. It helps to have these carers become efficient, sincerely caring helpers that make mothering a bit easier.