Sitemap - 2022 - Matriarchy Report

There are plenty of solutions for feeding U.S. babies

ICYMI: Election Day Inspiration

Caregiving is on the ballot

ICYMI: One Iranian woman explains how to support Iran's feminist uprising

An Iranian woman explains how to support Iran's feminist protests

ICYMI: The benefits of "quiet quitting" adult expectations

On "quiet quitting” American adulting and having more fun

"Love this. Ordered the book. Ready to roll."

Want What’s Best For Your Child? Give Up Some Privilege

Why we love and need "Bluey" right now

ICYMI: Hard to care? It might be because you don’t get enough care yourself.

Hard to care? It might be because you don’t get enough care yourself.

Do you feel like you're having an out-of-body experience?

"Curtailment of Women's Rights, and Their Status as Free and Equal Citizens."

How Birth Equity Became Law in Colorado

I figured out what's driving me crazy about the gun violence "debate." Hopefully it helps you, too.

How we can change the conversation around gun violence

Hold Each Other Close. Hold the Powerful to Account.

Meet the Black birth workers fighting the maternal and infant mortality crisis

Good Stuff Friday

We deserve more than Mother's Day. We need to value women on their own.

My mother had an abortion nine years before it was legal

Some Great Things About Going Through Menopause

Let’s not leap to stigmatize "Generation Covid"

WTF Menopause

Good Stuff Friday

From "What's the Matter With You?" to "What Matters to You?"

We need to change the stories that we tell about mothers

Transgender kids and families are being policed by agencies that should be protecting them

Feeling "Bluey": Creativity, intimacy, and what keeps us afloat in these times

What does war mean for children?

How Emotional Intelligence and To-Do Lists Can Help Save the Planet

What Happens When the Payments Stop

In Praise of Promiscuous Care

The epidemic of never being alone

News! News! News!

I'm the parent of a black child. Here's what I wish other white parents knew.

We still think some people are just "naturally" good at care work.

We can't "positive thinking" our way through 2022. Let's find what really feels good.